What this Blog is about

Over the past 10+ years I have had lots of weird paranormal things happen to me. I have written most of these things down in a journal of sorts. I am now going to keep a copy of this journal online, in the form of this blog. Feel free to comment on any post you have questions about or you found interesting.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Some events from 2001-2005

 Not too sure on the actual dates of some of these events, as this is before I started writing things down the day after it happens in a journal.

Fall 2001: Night Sweats?

I woke up in the middle of the night, absolutely drenched in sweat. My sheets were soaked as well, like I had just ran 10 miles. I freaked out a little bit, waking up my GF, who too was soaked in sweat. Our son, who was sleeping between us was soaked in sweat as well. Though both were not even close to what I had. This was during the fall, so it wasn't hot out at all.

*note: Yes I know that sweating profusely (night sweats/hot flashes) during the night happens to a lot of people, most chalking it up to dreaming. But the fact that all 3 of us were soaked in sweat at the same time seems like more than a coincidence.

2003 Weird Sighting:

Was night time and I was sitting at my desk playing on the computer. I noticed something on the ceiling and when I looked up I saw the strangest thing. There was a pool of glowing golden liquid on the ceiling about a foot in diameter. It was only there for a few seconds and after it was gone I swore there was a water stain right where it had been.


My GF, son and I were all sleeping in bed when he woke up in the middle of the night wanting some milk. GF goes downstairs to get him some and right when she leaves the bed starts to shake. Laying on my back and looking at the ceiling, my son was still half asleep, so I say out loud in a low voice "show yourself to me." Right then, some blotches of red light appeared on the ceiling and started to form something (I almost want to say a face). But then it vanished right away as GF walked back in the room.

1.4.05 Actual Ghost Appears:

Went to bed at around 1:30am, laying on my back drifting in and out of sleep. Opened my eyes and saw all these lines of whitish light on the ceiling and across the room. I have seen this happen before, but have always just rolled over went back to sleep. This time, I decided to see what happens.

So the lights all come together on the ceiling in the corner of the room by the foot of my bed (at this point the bed starts to shake). It turns into a big mass(2-3') of white mist softly glowing and drifting downwards to the floor. It then started to form into a figure of a small girl, standing 3-4' tall and looked to be about 5 or 6 years old. I could see her face (white features), her hair seemed long, parted down the middle, fell to her shoulders then to her back. I could see her shoulders, arms and some mid section, the rest below that was just mist.

There was no expression on her face, she looked at me and started to drift towards me on my side of the bed. She moved about 5 feet and right as she reached the fan (which was on) I said something out loud (I don't recall) and she vanished. Not sure if it was being speaking that caused her to vanish or the fan?

My heart was racing intensely while this all happened and I got really hot. I stayed awake for a little bit to see if anything else would happened but nothing did.

2.7.05? A Vision?

Was sleeping when the bed started to shake, so I opened my eyes and looked up at the ceiling. I saw some lights and then this "vision" appeared in front of me. It was like a window had opened up in mid air (almost like in the movies when they show a witch looking at people in her crystal ball, I could see a clear image but the sides were all blurry), everything was in a greenish light. I saw stone tiles (hexagon shaped) with symbols on them (similar to the red writing). It was like a camera was panning down a wall or walking along a tiled pathway. It was only there for 5-10 seconds then vanished.

Late October/early November 2005: Red writing:

Went to bed around 12am and woke up sometime later while laying on my left side facing the wall. I immediately notice some movement on my night stand, by my cup of water. It is was very dark in that corner but I could still see something small moving in the darkness. So I aly there, with my eyes open for a few minutes until this image appeared on my wall (next to the night stand).

The image was some sort of writing, in a language I didn't recognize. They almost looked like symbols, because each letter consisted of shapes and lines. There were 5-6 rows, with about 5 "letters" in each. The writing itself was in red light, almost like it was being projected with a laser pen. When it first appeared, I closed my eyes really tight and opened them again (to make sure I wasn't imagining things) but it was still there. I stared at it for 10-15 seconds before it vanished. I sort of remember the first 2 symbols accurately, but not the rest. Below is a drawing of what I saw.

Mid December 2005:

Went to bed around 1am or so, was laying on my back, drifting in and out of sleep. I opened my eyes and saw a flash of blue light by the window. For some reason, I said out loud to myself, "there's a flash of blue light."

A few minutes later I opened my eyes again and now I see something floating above me by the ceiling. It felt or looked to me, like a woman with long hair in some type of robe. There were no details to this figure, almost like someone drew in blue light this outline of a woman. She was there for a few seconds and then vanished.

Also, between this time my son would see what he called "the white monster", who would stick out a red tongue at him. I have assessed that what he was seeing was actually the ghost of little girl. One incident has stuck out.

I was home alone with my son, playing on the computer in the spare room, while he was playing in his room (right next to each other). All of sudden he runs into my room and closes the door and comes and stands beside me looking frightened.

So I asked him what was wrong and he said he saw the white monster. So i picked him up, opened the door and walked into the hallway. I then asked him if he could still see it and he said yes. Then I asked him to point to it, he pointed towards the stairs mid way down about 5 feet in the air.

We stood there for a few seconds just looking to where he was pointing. I got chills and asked "it" to show itself to me, but nothing happened. He came back in the spare room with me for a minutes and then went back to playing in his room.

My son, now 15, has no recollection of this and has seemed to of blocked out any "6th sense" he had while a child.

Spiders and the black crawly things. Late 2000/early 2001

Well some other weird stuff started happening around this time. I would wake up in the middle of the night, usually around 3 a.m. and I would see these spiders. They varied in size from hand size to smaller but always a shiny silver color. They would be above me, descending from the ceiling towards me. But when I opened my eyes and saw them, they would quickly climb back up and vanish into the ceiling. On many occasions I would jump up and turn the light on or grab my flashlight and look for it. Hell a couple times I grabbed my pillow and jumped on the bed and took a swipe at them. Never hit one of course.

Silver vanishing spiders weren't the only weird things I started to see. Some nights when I woke up, I would open my eyes and see something crawling on the wall next to me. Like the shadow spirits they were blacker than black. They varied in size, from a few inches to maybe a foot. They kinda were shaped like lizards, though not as defined. I would watch them for a few seconds crawl along my wall until the vanished into the dark corner of my room. I would sometimes reach for my flash light to see them clearer but they always vanished.

Bed shaking begins-Late 2000/early 2011

So now that my GF lived with me and my adorable son was born, things sort of calmed down. Though they didn't stop completely. I noticed that my bed started to shake or vibrate at night. I now realize that this is usually a precursor to something happening, as it would normally accompany other events. My GF has felt it on many occasions and it has become part of the norm, with me anyways. It has also happened at other places than my original apartment, like my new apartment and hotels. It feels like someone is standing at the edge of the bed and lightly shaking it. Though a few times the shaking has gotten quite violent and scary.

The Darkening-Late Dec/1999-April/2000

After the incident with the "thing" on my patio, I had trouble sleeping. While in my room, I had the strong feeling that I was being watched from anywhere there was darkness. I eventually got a night light for my room, but this wasn't enough. I moved from sleeping in my bed to sleeping on my couch. I started with leaving the kitchen light on and eventually left the TV on as well. I remember one night I decided to turn off the kitchen light and just leave the TV on, thinking that would be enough to help me sleep. There was darkness all around me, especially from the dining room table area. That's where I felt a presence watching me, I could feel it moving in the dark. I jumped up and switched the light back on. This went on for a period of about 4 months, where I couldn't fall asleep every night until 3-4 a.m. even with the TV and lights on. Also, I slept with my handgun next to me. My thinking wasn't to protect me from whatever it was that was watching me, it was to fire it off to alert the neighbors. Thinking they would in turn call the police and someone would come help me. My active imagination doesn't really help me when shit like this happens to me. =P

I only slept in  my room when my GF stayed the night (weekends usually). She moved in around April when she was midway through her pregnancy with my son. That's when I went back to sleeping in my bed every night, for whatever reason having another person there kept the darkness at bay. To this day I still sleep with a night light on.

*side note: I did lose my job due to my lack of sleep, late to work one too many times. My reason for being late probable didn't help my case much.

Spirit Orbs-Dec/1999

Ok these next events happened about a week or so after the second shadow spirits visited. Again I woke up at around 3 a.m. and was laying on my back. I opened my eyes and saw an orange light. It was a small ball of light, a little bigger than a golf ball, floating at the top of my ceiling directly above me.  I watched it as it moved left to right, then it was like it became aware that I was awake and watching it. It moved to the left where my patio door was and kinda hid behind the vertical blinds. I specifically remember seeing the light it emitted reflect off of the wall and blinds it was next to. I then jumped out of bed and turned on the lights and went to see what it was. Of course when I got over to the patio door nothing was there. Again, I just brushed it off and went back to sleep.

Maybe a week after the above event happened, I again woke up at 3 a.m. This time floating above me was a red ball of light, which was about the same size as the orange one. It was again directly above me floating by the ceiling. But when this one realized I was awake and watching it, it just shot through my wall by the patio and vanished. Almost instantly after it passed through the wall, I heard a noise and felt a presence right outside my patio door(on the 2nd floor). This is what it sounded like, a rake scraping on concrete then a flock of seagulls chirping in the distance. The sounds were repeated and I wanna say it almost sounded like something breathing. The raking sound being the inhale and the birds being the exhale. I got such a bad feeling from this, that I was literally frozen with fear and could not move. I lay there on my side, eyes wide open, facing the patio for 10 minutes before it stopped. I eventually fell back to sleep. During that time I kept telling myself to look through the blinds but I was so scared I dare not move. To this day I wish I had the courage to peek through and see what it was.

*side note: that on a couple occasions after this, I set up a video camera in attempts to catch the spirit orbs on film. But of course nothing was ever seen. Also, GF said she saw the orange orb once, some time between 12/1999 and 4/2000, but she was too scared to wake me.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Shadow Spirits-Dec/1999

I lived by myself in a one bedroom apartment, on the second floor of a complex in Santa Ana. One night I woke up out of a sound sleep, laying on my back I saw at the foot of my bed the figure of a man. There he stood with his right arm extended out to me. I could see no detail in him, he was like a shadow, but blacker than black. My room was pitch black and I could still see his outline. I sat up and say out loud "Who are you?" Then he just vanished. I remember looking at the clock and it was about 3 a.m. and thinking nothing of it I just went back to sleep.

A couple of nights later, I woke up again in the middle of the night. I did not open my eyes right away because I felt a presence in the room with me. I was laying on my left side, facing the wall where my night stand and phone is. I opened my eyes, but did not look at the foot of my bed where the presence was. I saw from the corner of my eyes though, the same figure standing there but this time it wasn't alone. There was another much taller figure behind it, this figure too was just a shadow (blacker than black). It seemed like this taller figure was pacing behind the first figure and was upset. I got such a negative vibe from this taller figure that I reached for my phone and called my mother (at 3 a.m.). They were gone after that.

The Prelude

I would like to start this off by saying, I am not one of those people who have seen paranormal things since they were little kids. For me it all started around December of 1999 when I was 21, about 2 years after my father passed away. I point this out because I feel somehow that it is connected to him, or at least it started out that way. When all this first started happening, I did not keep a log of what occurred and when (exact dates). I made sure I did write everything down a short while after they happened so that I would not forget any important details. These days I usually write things down the following day, so the dates and times are more exact. The next few posts are in the order things happened.