What this Blog is about

Over the past 10+ years I have had lots of weird paranormal things happen to me. I have written most of these things down in a journal of sorts. I am now going to keep a copy of this journal online, in the form of this blog. Feel free to comment on any post you have questions about or you found interesting.

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Was watching TV downstairs around 10pm, GF and son were in bed. I heard some noise and thought it was just the ice maker from the fridge. But it was very loud, so I turned down the TV and listened. Turns out it was coming from the front patio and sounded like someone (or something?) was moving my small patio table and chairs. I stood up and looked out the peek hole and did not see my motion sensor lights on. I have 3 of them, which will go off if someone walks in front of my patio or opens the gate.

So I turned on the front patio light and saw nothing, but the noise kept going on. I got a little scared at that point, because if it was a person, the motion lights would of gone off. If it was an animal, the patio light more than likely would of scared it away. The noise then stopped about 10 seconds later, so I went to the far window where the patio set is. Tried peeking through the blinds but couldn't really see anything. Lol got a little frightened to open them fully, thinking some face would be staring at at me through the window.

Thought about just opening the door, but if it was a person, I was unarmed and if it was an animal (raccoon or opossum) it might attack. Then about 5 minutes later, I went upstairs to the balcony and looked out over it (side of balcony faces front patio) but saw nothing. Around 10:30pm (finished watching my show, Archer ftw), I went outside (bat in hand) but there was nothing. No sign of an animal or anything really. Very spooky, but most likely a raccoon hopped down from the neighbors wall (lets hope).

*side note : the 3 piece metal patio set is chained (steel wire) together. It sounded like someone was moving 2 or 3 of the pieces all at once. It was very loud and my GF heard it from upstairs but thought I dropped something.


Went to bed early around 8pm, GF was downstairs watching TV. Around 9pm the bed started to shake, so I held out my arms and said out loud "I know you here, what do you want?" Then after a few moments I said "show me something." Right then the bed started to shake very violently, more than I can remember it ever doing so. Stopped after about 15-20 seconds with nothing else happening.


Went to bed around 11:20pm and saw what looked like a translucent bubble to the right side of the bed. It was about the size of a softball, rose up to the ceiling, then vanished. The bed was also shaking.


Heard the pulsating sound again sometime within the last week. Lasted for over an hour.


Went to bed at 10pm and kept hearing this pulsating sound. Thought it might be from the TV downstairs, as GF and son were watching Transformers. But when they came to bed and the TV was off, I could still hear it. Sounds almost like car with a system bumping bass, but it just pulsates over and over. Reminds me a lot of the "hum" sound I would hear.


Went to bed around 10:30 and woke up around an hour later. I saw a wisp of white pass over me and head towards my GF side of bed. I reached up and tried to grab it, but felt nothing. Right after the bed started to shake, so I asked if she could feel it, she said yes.

This "wisp" was made of white light, about 1 1/2" long, thin and shaped like a very loose "S."


Went to bed around 11pm and woke up around an hour later. Right above me I saw some sparkles, like something passed over me made out of sparkles. Then for a few minutes, I could see something floating up by the ceiling fan (which was off). I could see the fan blades move back and forth slightly, as well as the chain sway too.

This thing was "cloaked" but I could make out its outline and see it move. I kept catching movement of something on top of one of the fan blades. Something small, black marble size, moving on top the blade and almost peering over. The bed also began to shake and I tried to whisper to it but got no response.


Taking a nap in bed around 4pm, laying on my left and heard a female voice whisper in my right ear. Sounded like 2 words, but I couldn't understand what they were. Bed has been shaking a lot the past few weeks, but nothing of note has happened.


Was in Las Vegas for the weekend, celebrating a friends bachelor party and staying at Caesar's Palace. Was bunking with 2 friends in a double queen room. I came back to the room alone around 3am. The bed started to shake a few minutes after I lay down. Then the lights in the small hallway (from beds to bathroom) started flickering on & off. Kept doing this all night, even after 1 of my friends came back to sleep.

*side note: They both stayed their the night before and said the lights hadn't done that before.


GF was home and said she heard 3 knocks (death knocks?) come from the corner of the wall by the  balcony door. Then around 10am while down stairs, she said she saw a shadow move by the bottom of the steps.

*side note: No one close had died since.


Laying in bed around 10:30pm and the bed began to shake. I asked my GF if she could feel it and she said no. So i put my hand on the bed and told her to put her hand on top of mine, she could then feel it.

Friday, May 6, 2016


Woke up between 1-2am and saw a softball sized orb of light, with light streaming from its side. It was by the ceiling fan (off), which is located directly above the bed. It then ascended up towards the ceiling and vanished.  I reached out to it as it did.


1 week after moving into my new condo, I was in bed and falling asleep. I was holding a pillow on my chest and felt it start to vibrate, just like the bed use to. The "paranormal activity" follows me to a new house yet again!

*side note: Lived in my previous apartment for 11 years, 2003-2014.

4.14.14 Blood Moon

Went to bed a little before 11pm and a few minutes later the bed starts to shake. I watched as a white mist started to form at the foot of the bed. It then formed into a sort of head/face, drifted towards me then off to the right. I sat up and called out to "little one" asking if she could talk, but then the bed stopped shaking.


Dropped my GF and son off at airport, as they were visiting family in NC for a week. Got home about 12:30am and went to bed. Right after getting into bed, the whispering began. I sat up and talked out loud, asking the "spirits' to show themselves. Then it just stopped.


It's still chilly at night, but I have woken up the last 2-3 nights at 3am very hot. My GF and I were both kicking off the blanket and comforter. When I wake up in the morning, it's cold and we are back under the blankets.

Also woke up the past 2 days with a bloody nose. It could be the dry weather we are having or maybe connected to these "hot flashes" we have both been experiencing.


Went to sleep at 10pm, woke up around 11:30pm to see something shaped like a lizard crawling on the ceiling. It was about 3-4" long and moved very slowly. I watched it for about 5 sec, then stood on my bed and tried to grab it. It vanished as I reached for it, but when it did I saw shapes and lines form on the wall and ceiling in the red (laser like) light. They were very vague and didn't last long but they were there.

*side note: Lizard shaped thing, refers to these "creatures" I see, that are all black(like a shadow) with no features. I have seen them on my walls and ceiling, moving along and then vanishing.

9.17.13 Death knocks

Woke up at 2:55am after hearing 3 loud knocks. Sounded like someone was standing right next to me and knocked on the wall right above my head. I remember being in the middle of a dream and the knocks woke me up instantly.

Death knocks = a death in the family is coming.

*side note: My grandfather (step dads father) was diagnosed with cancer right around this time. He passed away in mid March of 2014.

My mother also kept having birds tap on her window. This is also a sign of a death in the family.


Sleeping on the couch and felt it shake/vibrate.

8.5.13 or 8.6.13

Woke up at 2am, heard the hum again. By this time, I had gotten up and looked out the window and nothing(no trucks).


Woke up 3-4 times between 1-4am, hearing the vibration sound again. Seemed louder than before.


Went to bed at 12am, woke up 30 minutes later. Laying on my back, I saw a "cloaked" figure floating above me going towards the wall by my head. It then went through the wall and my side of the bed began to shake. GF was sort of awake but couldn't feel the bed shake.


Woke up at 3:30 am and heard/felt the vibrating "hum" in the air again. Didn't get up and look outside like I told myself I would. Just went back to sleep.


Woke up around 2am from a bad dream, looked over and could tell my GF was having one too. I could feel a presence in the room and felt a tug on the comforter. GF said she heard foot steps on her side of the bed along along with a buzzing noise. Just an overwhelming feeling of uneasiness. I also heard a noise from my closet again, like hangers hitting each other.

11.14.11 The Hum!

Something was in the room last night. I woke up at 3:30am and kept waking up after that. There was this sound/feeling in the air. It was like a big rig truck was idling right outside of my window. There was a vibration in the air, I could hear it and feel it. Opened my eyes and glanced around, not seeing anything. I didn't look long though, was a tad bit scared.

Sounds very similar to the video posted below. Though I am 99.99% certain no rig was parked anywhere near my apartments, as all around is residential.


Went home early from work, due to a really stiff neck. Was laying on my back in bed around 12:30pm, when I opened my eyes and saw a small daddy long leg looking spider, crawling on the ceiling heading towards me. So I reached over and grabbed a tissue to kill it. I stood up on the bed and as my hand got to about 2 feet if it, it crawled into the ceiling and vanished. Exactly like the silver spiders I would see at night did. Haven't seen them in years, this one could of been silver.


Woke up around 1:30am after I felt something touch my lip. Like a fingertip touching my lower lip. Maybe little one playing with me?

9.6.11 or 9.14.11

Was at work, in the front of the shop, when around 9am I got a strong whiff of perfume. It smelled very familiar and only lasted a few seconds.


In Las Vegas, staying at the Monte Carlo. Was around 10am, at the pool laying on a lounge chair, when I saw the floating/bursting bits of "energy" again. Watched them for about 5-10 minutes then I couldn't see them anymore.

*side note: To this day (5.6.16) I still randomly see these every now and then.


Got home around 3am from a night out. A few minutes after getting into bed, I heard whispering from the bathroom area. I listened to it for a few minutes and then went to sleep.

*side note: When I say whispering, the perfect reference to this comes from the TV show LOST. When some characters were out in the jungle they would all of a sudden hear whispering coming from everywhere. That's exactly what it sounds like.

5.9.11 Weird dream

I don't normally write about dreams, as I don't think they mean anything. But this one was weird & vivid. Also being the second dream I recall dying in.

I was at a bar or strip club of sorts, being escorted to a back VIP area. i was walking through hallways with a guy behind me, telling me where to go. As we made a turn, I jokingly said to him "Hey it's almost like you are going whack me."

That's when he pulled out a revolver and said "ya, you're right" and then shot me once in the back of the head behind my left ear. That's not the weird part, when I died I remembered thinking "No this isn't suppose to happen." Then there were all of these flashes of light and bangs.

All of a sudden, I was alive again but back in time before I went into the place. I was in a parking structure where I met 2 other guys. We then proceeded to investigate this place because something wasn't right about it. Then I woke up.


Went to bed a little before midnight. After laying down for a few minutes I heard a male voice say my name. The voice came from my side of the bed and to the right of the fan (towards foot of bed). The "Rob" part of my name was very loud, but the "ert" part dropped off some. When I heard the voice, it was so loud that it "shook" my left ear, leaving a slight ring in it.

I looked over to where the voice came from but didn't see anything. A few seconds after I heard my name, a dog started to bark far away outside. I kind of played it off to myself that what I heard was from the dog. In other words, a little bit scared.

*side note: When I say my "left ear shook", it's like when all is quiet and then you a hear a very loud bang. It causes your ear drums to shake a little bit.


GF told me that last night, she felt a presence on her side of the bed. She was too scared to open her eyes.


Tossed and turned all last and did not sleep well. There has been lots of activity the past few weeks, not much to report about, but a lot of bed shaking and feeling of presences. GF also told me, that while taking showers, she has felt someone lift the bottom of her air up and drop it. She has long hair, almost down to her ass.


Went to bed at 11pm. A few minutes after laying down, I felt a tug at the bottom of the comforter by my feet. A few seconds later I felt it again. I sat up and pulled the comforter completely on the bed so that it was not hanging over.

Laying back down, I heard a male voice come from my side of the bed whisper "Hey get up." I sat up to listen better but heard nothing. Laying down again, I heard the same voice whisper "Now!" Sat up again but heard nothing else. Laid down with my eyes open for a few minutes but heard nothing else. Woke up through out the night, feeling a presence. Didn't see anything, but didn't really look around (little bit spooked).

*side note: By tug on the comforter, it actually felt more like someone lifted corner of the comforter (that was hanging over the edge of the bed) and dropped it.


GF woke up at thinking that it was morning because the room was lit up, but when she looked at the clock it was only 4am (still completely dark outside). She said the entire room was bright and lit up like in the day time. She said she couldn't (or didn't try to) find a source of the light, but that it seemed to come from every where. She then just went back to sleep. lol I of course slept through all of this.


Went to bed at 1am and right after I turned off the TV I could hear a woman's voice whispering. It came from the bathroom area but I couldn't understand it. I could not see anything when I looked, even though the whispering was still going on. The bed wasn't shaking. The whispering went on for about 10 minutes when I became very irritated with it, as it was non stop.

I called out to the voice and asked it to be quiet. I eventually got up and stood in the bathroom area, telling it to be quiet. This woke up my GF, who then told me she could hear it too. But she said she also heard the voice of a man, like the they were having a conversation. I couldn't hear the man's voice. It went on for another 10-15 minutes and then just stopped.


GF woke up around 3am, saying that she something that sounded like a radio broadcast with men talking. Also said she heard a girl whispering to her, but couldn't understand what she was saying. I was only half asleep when she woke me up but couldn't hear anything. Neither of us could go back to sleep for an hour or so. I looked around the room, but couldn't hear or see anything. GF was really scared and I was a little bit too, mainly because I couldn't hear what she could.

I did feel a presence when my alarm went off around 5:20am. When I was resetting the alarm, I swore I could hear some type of music playing.

On several of my EVPs, I can hear some type of music being played, but it is never clear or loud enough to make it out.

*side note: This happens a lot, when either me or my GF can't hear or feel (bed shaking) what the other one can.


Woke up at 3am and heard the floor squeak, like someone was standing at the foot of the bed. Looked around and saw nothing. Tossed and turned all night with the feeling of being watched. Bed was shaking all nite, but did not see anything.

9.17.10 Creepy being

My son told me today, that about 2-3 weeks ago, when he was walking out my bedroom that he saw a person standing in the doorway of the spare room. He described this "person" as having orange skin and no eyes. He said it was looking at him and when my son blinked it was gone.


Around 11pm, GF was alone downstairs watching TV, when she said she kept seeing shadows moving in the kitchen. Also said the pantry door opened and closed by itself.

Early July 2010 - Weird cat

Woke up around 2am to what I thought was a baby crying. I got up and barely moved the blinds to see what was outside my window (lol we have all heard the folktales about babies crying in the middle of the night). What I saw was a medium sized cat, dark smoke grey in color, sitting on my back patio wall looking directly at me.

Instead of saying "meow" like all normal cats do, this fucking cat literally said 'hi." I was completely stunned when I heard it, but responded back to it and said "hi." I was half expecting it to then start talking to me, but it only repeated the word "hi" a few more times. I then told it to go away and went back to bed.

I don't recall seeing that cat again, though we did have a few strays in my apartment complex. I asked one of my neighbors, an older woman who took in stray cats she found around the complex, eventually taking them to rescue shelters. She said she had never seen a cat like I described and never heard of one being able to say hi.

The cat sort of looked like the one pictured below, though this is not actually it.

10.28.09 6pm

Went into the bedroom to take a nap for an hour or so after my GF & son went to Mcdonalds. A few minutes after laying down, I felt the bed start to shake. I woke up about 40 minutes later and saw something floating above me by the ceiling. Very hard to describe but it was almost shaped like a baby rattle. With the handle spinning around the ball.Then the handle part kind of vanished, leaving just an orb, which then vanished as well. No distinguishable color.

The bed then started to shake rather hard and violent for a few seconds. I actually started to get a little scared and was afraid to speak out to whatever was there. I really wanted to ask what it wanted, but was scared by how violent the bed shaking had gotten. GF came home shortly after, but nothing else happened.


Went to sleep around 12am and up an hour later. Looked at the foot of my bed and saw a figure standing in my closet. Same place I had seen the white figure stand before, but this figure was red and about 4 1/2' tall. I stared at it for a moment, sat up and then literally "growled" at it. Reached down to the side of my bed for my flashlight, but it was on the other side (thought light would hurt it for some reason?).  It then vanished.

For some reason, I had a strong feeling that this "being" didn't belong here (not just my room, but this world). I am still shocked that my first reaction to it was to growl. I felt no evil or bad vibe from it, just a curious one.

Also, earlier in the evening, after dinner my GF said she saw a small black shadow/figure follow me upstairs. Not sure of there is a relation between the two?

*side note: My experiences so far seem to indicate that entities that appear red, are possible evil (or at least not good).

9.24.07 Interdimentional being?

Went to bed around 12am and as I lay down I could feel the bed shaking. After a short time I started to hear voices whispering very faint and low. Then I saw a figure standing next to my bed, in front of the window, cloaked and black like I have seen many times before. I just stared at it for a good minute or so until I saw a face start to form (or at least facial features). It seemed to be a man.

I sat up and asked it "who are you?" No response. I then got the balls to actually stand up and walk towards it. I stood there face to face with it, I could barely make it out, but it was still there. I then reached out my left hand and attempted to touch it about where its chest was. Right when I touched it, it burst or shattered into hundreds of small black dots, like a "poof" motion. I looked at my fingers and rubbed them together, feeling like it had some type of moisture or oil on them.

I lay back down in bed and then it appeared again. I kind of ignored it and fell back asleep. I was woken up in the middle of the night by a voice above me. At first I thought it was my son, but it wasn't his voice. It said a word that I can't remember, but it did have 3 syllables.


Came home from work around 4:40 pm and lied down in bed to take a short nap. Woke up at 5:30pm and saw a silver spider. Like always, once I see them, it climbed back towards the ceiling and vanished. Haven't seen the spiders for a long time and never in the day time.

2.20.07 2:30am

Went to bed around 2am and woke up a short time later to the bed shaking. Felt a presence in the room and again saw something in front of my closet (door open). It was glowing white. Almost like the the 2 shirts hanging there were glowing white, but they were blue & grey.

2.11.07 8am Sunday

Son was in his room watching TV, GF was at the gym. Got up and brushed my teeth (master bathroom) and heard a noise coming from bedroom and assumed it was the fan acting up. Went back into room and my automatic tie rack was on. In case you aren't familiar with these, you have to push a button to turn it clockwise or counter clockwise.

*side note: I have one of my fathers ties hanging on it.

1.24.07 1am

Woke up and the bed was shaking harder than normal. I see some movement by my closet and a flash of white light. Then a red(ish) shape started to form in front of the closet. I said out loud "I can feel you". It lasts for a few seconds more then fades (both the shape and bed shaking).

*side note: This is not the first time I have noticed something either in or in front of my closet.

1.23.07 EVP

Left recorder on in spare room and around 3am I can hear a mans voice say "Dead men tell tales."

*side note: Will see if I can upload the actual EVP here.

1.19.07 12:45am

Went to sleep at 12:15 and woke up a short bit later. Bed was shaking and I saw a flash of white light on the wall between  window and closet (by the ceiling). I am pretty certain there was an entity next to my bed (my side). I could see it move but could barely make it out. It is hard to see them when they are in front of my drapes (sheer black). I remember seeing the cord to blinds along with the blinds swaying back and forth. I thought it could be due to the fan, but the fan doesn't effect the blinds.

Later that night, I was sleeping on my side facing the wall, when I felt something touch my right arm. I instinctively smacked at it with my left hand thinking it was a bug, but saw nothing. I didn't think much of it and went back to sleep. But now that I think back on it, it felt like a finger touching me. Not my skin though, just the hair on my arm, making it feel fuzzy. Almost electrical somehow.

Early June 2006

Was at the pool laying out on my back with sun glasses on. Opened my eyes and and saw the strangest thing. Floating about a foot in front of my face, I saw a group tiny specs of white light (dots almost), that would float around for a second or 2 and then burst or pop into 2 or 3 more dots and then vanish. I watched them for about a minute and then I couldn't see them anymore. So strange.

*side note: This has happened to me several times since then and at several different places. Once even on air plane as I looked out the window. I almost think they are some sort of energy, maybe related to Ley lines? And no, I don't have any vision problems what so ever.

1.18.07 12:30am

Woke up and the bed was shaking. I saw a brief glimpse of little one coming halfway through my wall. Then for the next 20-30 seconds, it seemed like images were trying to appear on the wall where she was. They came and went so fast I couldn't make them out. I said out loud, in a whisper "show me something." Then I kept seeing a black bar appear & reappear, then everything just stopped.

1.10.07 12:30am

Woke up and the bed was lightly shaking. I saw a red light glowing from inside the wall above the far end of the window. I could see the light coming out of the wall and reflecting on the vertical blinds and drapes. Almost like it was a red spirit orb inside the wall, but it was about the size of a baseball. It started to move towards me, but when it got to my end of the the window a car drove by outside and it was gone.

1.1.07 8am

Gf is downstairs on the couch watching TV. Out of the corner of her eye, said she saw a white mist, about the size of a small child, coming down the stairs. Possible little one (Rosemary)?


A day or so after the previous incident, I got home and again sat in my room and talked to little one(that's what i call her). This time, I asked to know her name. The next morning, my alarm went off (beeping sound) at 5:39am like it normally does. I got up, turned it off and reset it to go off in another 30 min. Then went to go to the bathroom, but as I reached the door the radio on the alarm turned on. The song that was playing was Scarborough Fair by Simon & Garfunkel, right at the part where it said "Rosemary". just a coincidence or was she letting me know her name? I have called her Rosemary (and sometimes still little one) since then.


Got home from work at 4:30pm, was alone as my son was with my mom. Went into the bedroom and with the lights off, I sat on the bed and talked to the little girl ghost. I asked her to show herself to me and that I wanted to see her. I waited a few minutes and nothing happened. So I asked for her to show herself tonight.

Was putting my son to sleep in the bedroom around 8:30pm. I would lay down next to him until he fell asleep. I started to drift in and out of sleep myself until around 9pm. I was laying on my back, opened my eyes and saw the little girl. She was by the ceiling at the foot of the bed and floating towards me. I could see her whole body, but it was transparent and wispy looking. She came directly over me and then to the right (towards my dresser) going through the wall. I asked out loud "where are you going?" She was looking at me the whole time. My son, then turned over and asked me who I was talking to, I told him the ghost. lol he thought nothing of it and went back to sleep.

12.19.06 - Weird water incident

Got home from work at 4:40pm, grabbed a cookie and a cup of water from the fridge. After eating the cookie, went to take a sip of water when I noticed that ice had started to form inside the cup. I went to the fridge and checked the water container ( 2.5 gallon with spigot on bottom) and there was no ice in it. I do not put any ice cubes in my water.

I checked the temperature in the apartment and it read 58 degrees and water freezes at 32 degrees. Supernatural occurrence or just weird phenomenon?


Went to bed at 12am, was still drifting in & out of sleep when at 12:20am I heard a male voice (very calm and soothing) say "hey". I opened my eyes, sat up and said out loud "huh, what?" The voice came from between me and my GF, above my son (who sleeps in between us). Looked up and saw nothing.


Went to sleep at 12am and woke up 20 minutes later to see the ghost of the little girl floating above me. She was not whole though, could only see her shoulders and head. She was looking at me, no expression (just a blank stare), drifted towards the ceiling and then was gone.

*side note: I have started to experiment with EVP (electronic voice phenomenon). I bought a digital recorder and would leave it on during the night. Sometimes in my sons room (he still slept in our room), the spare room or hallway. Sounds like my sons bunk bed get shaken, lots of bangs and weird noises. Have even heard some actual talking, though it is very low and unclear.


Left the house at 10pm to go to the store. After I left, GF said she saw a shadow standing at the bedroom door. Later that night while I was asleep, something very weird happened and it's hard to explain. It was like a switch or something flipped on in my mind. A big flash of light and loud noise went off (in my mind). Woke me up instantly. I looked around the room, a little freaked out but saw nothing. Few moments later the bed started to shake. Nothing else happened.


Went to bed at 1am and within a few minutes of laying down I felt the bed shake. Maybe 20 minutes later I heard a noise, like a bang or something moving, coming from my closet (sliding door closet, usually left open). I woke up constantly through out the night with lots of activity going on. I saw colors and lights on the ceiling and felt lots of movement through out the room. I saw the glowing white lines again. Lots of activity, though no major sighting of anything.

*side note: The white lines I see, are glowing lines in a grid pattern by the ceiling. I am almost thinking they are Ley lines.

9.19.06 11:15pm

My GF and son were asleep in the bedroom. Sophia woke up and says she saw a ghost standing in front of my dresser looking at something on it. She described it as about 4 feet tall, white and sort of see through. About the same size of the little girl I have seen. She said it was only there for a second and then vanished. The spot she was standing at was right in front of my Papa's dog tags, which were hanging on an angel statue.

After she told me what happened, I heard what sounded like footsteps on the stairs while in the bathroom. Felt a presence in the house, though nothing else happened that night. I did have a weird dream that night, I was in full armor (knight style) fighting a demon.

9.18.06 9-10am

Was at work in the office typing up orders when I heard someone whisper something right behind me. I thought it was my boss, but he was outside the office, about 50 feet away working on something.

*side note: The office at the time was set up so that the desk faced the wall with my back to the door.
Also very rare for me to experience anything "weird" at work.


Woke up a little after 1am and saw a red dot (like before) on the wall for a split second. Looked around to find its source, but saw nothing. Woke up a little bit later and saw something small move on my night stand (much like the writing incident). The bed started to shake, with more force being focused on my corner of the bed. I expected more to happen, but nothing did.

Woke up at 5:30am and heard voices calling out something. They were male and it sounded like 2-3 of them, almost like a faint echo. Thought maybe people were walking by outside, so I got up and looked out the window and saw no one. They were repeating 2 words, but I can't recall what there were.


Went to sleep at 1am and woke up 30 minutes later. I saw 2 small red dots of light, moving across the wall by the window.  I watched them for a few seconds as they went to the corner and then got up. Went over to them and reached for them. I then saw one of the red dots appear on my left hand. I looked and saw that it was coming from the window curtains (left side). I then saw another red dot (maybe 2) on the curtains and walked toward them. As I did this they started moving around the curtains (which were a sheer black material) as I kept trying to grab them. Saying out loud "I got you fuckers" and then they disappeared. Sophia then woke up and thought I was going crazy.

*side note: When I say red dots of light, think laser pointers. Like the pointers were on the curtains, projecting their dots on the wall.

3.22.06 1:30am

Woke up and heard voices or a voice, from a female. Thought maybe it was coming from outside, but it stopped as soon as I tried to listen to it (like it knew I was awake). Woke up later in the night to the sound of a bang by my GF side of the bed. Sounded like something had fell, so I leaned over but nothing was there (also checked in the morning and nothing was there).

Also later that night, something tugged at the bed spread (foot of bed) on my GF side. Could have been her shifting or kicking her leg, but there was no sound of movement from her. I felt a presence, but it was not like the normal presence I had felt before.


In bed at 12am, left TV on to watch a show at 12:30am. I was drifting in and out of sleep, when I opened my eyes and saw a white line(glowing) coming towards me from the foot of the bed. Maybe it was an outline of something, but I could only see the one line. I thought to reach out and touch it, but before I could, it moved away and was gone. Back to drifting in and out of sleep and saw the same thing. Noticed that the bed was shaking this time, then it faded away like before. Woke back up at 12:30am to watch my show and nothing else happened.

*side note: This is only the second time I recall the bed shaking while the TV was on.


Went to sleep around 12am and woke up at 12:30am. I saw a "cloaked" thing in front of me. It was small and squarish (maybe 6"x6"). the bed was shaking as well. It then moved away from me towards the window. At that moment my GF coughed and shifted in bed and then everything just stopped and faded away.


Went to sleep at about 1am. I remember hearing a sound by my clothes rack and knew that something was here. i woke up a little after 1:30am and felt a presence watching me. Above me was something floating, I could see, its outline anyway moving around by the ceiling. It was like it was invisible or rather cloaked (think Predator). It was there for a few seconds then vanished. I was tempted to reach out to it and try to touch it (something I told myself I would do the next time I saw something). Also tempted to ask it to show itself, but did not.

*side note: Clothes rack, refers to small wooden rack that was against the wall (my side) by the window that I would lay clothes on to be put away.

1.27.06 1am

Went to sleep around 12:20am and woke up at 1am. Felt the bed shake and then felt a presence above me and above the window. Then I saw these images flash before me, they came so fast I couldn't make out any of them. Although I am sure I saw a face. The images lasted for about 10 seconds and then they were gone. Didn't feel any presence after that and went back to sleep.

*side note: These images that appeared, were in a greenish glow, and were like a hologram in front of me.

1.13.06 1:45am

Went to sleep at about 1am and woke up at 1:45am. I saw above my window, at the far end, a small red (glowing) rectangular object (6"L x 3"W). It went into the wall, where I could still see its glow through the wall. I watched it as it traveled towards me, going along the top of the window, then down at an angle to the corner of my room (by the nightstand). My GF then woke up, asking for some water. I lost sight of it when it went to the corner because of the drapes hanging over the bed.

*side note: A few months back, after putting my son to sleep, my GF came in to wake me up. As she stood at the side of the bed, I looked beyond her towards the TV(which was off) and saw a red glowing square on the TV screen. Maybe it was the same object?

12.2.05 9-10pm

Laying on couch with my GF, watching my son play Play Station 2. Dosing in and out of sleep, felt the couch begin to shake (same as when the bed does).

11.29.05 1 a.m.

Went to sleep at 12:30am, woke up at 1am and saw a ghost walking next to my bed. It was tall (maybe the little girl floating?), there was a vague whitish glow and I could barely see it. But I watched as it clearly paced back and forth on the side of my bed. I even stuck out my arm to see if I could feel it. but I couldn't feel anything and then it faded away.

*side note: My Papa Wightman's birthday is on 11.29

11.27.05 Between 9-10pm

Bobby is laying in bed with his mom and says he sees white feet floating next to the fan. She could see nothing.

*from here on out, pretty much all posting will be made in this style, with dates and times and a bried description of what happened.